Your opinion is needed: Insulin Pumps and Glucose Monitors
Friday, December 9, 2011 at 12:40PM
Scott Benner in CGM, Giving Project, Insulin Pump, diabetes

I am in the throws of launching a charitable foundation whose focus will be assisting diabetic children that want but can't afford insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors.

The necessary paperwork to form the charitable entity is getting very close to being submitted. In the meantime, I am diligently working on ways to make the charity as successful and far reaching as it possibly can be. I will be involved in a number of meetings and presentations over the coming weeks and months and I was hoping that you could help me to better understand how the costs associated with managing diabetes effects your financial life. I am very interested in hearing from the parents of children with type I but if you are an adult with diabetes I am still very interested in your answers - you never what the future will bring.

If you would be kind enough to anonymously answer a few questions, I will be able to use the data you submit as I search for the funding necessary to make this fledgling dream a robust reality. You won't be asked anything that would identify you and none of your personal information is collected by this site.

The answers that you provide will help me to make a better presentation when speaking with potential donors, supporters and sponsors. None of the answers are 'required' by the form and you can skip any you like by choosing "left blank".

Your support is greatly appreciated!

The data collection form is located here.

Update on Monday, March 18, 2013 at 9:44PM by Registered CommenterScott Benner

My new book, "Life Is Short, Laundry Is Eternal' is available now - Amazon/Kindle - Barnes&Noble/Nook 

Update on Monday, March 18, 2013 at 9:44PM by Registered CommenterScott Benner

My new book, "Life Is Short, Laundry Is Eternal' is available now - Amazon/Kindle - Barnes&Noble/Nook 

Update on Monday, March 18, 2013 at 9:44PM by Registered CommenterScott Benner

My new book, "Life Is Short, Laundry Is Eternal' is available now - Amazon/Kindle - Barnes&Noble/Nook 

Article originally appeared on type I diabetes (
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