DSMA Live: Parents Talk (feat. me) Audio
Wednesday, December 19, 2012 at 8:54AM
Scott Benner in 504, DSMA, Daddy's Blog, Life Is Short, Laundry Is Eternal, Life is Short, Media, OmniPod, OmniPod Blog, School, Social Media, diabetes


Apparently I have a lot of thoughts on a multitude of subjects and DSMA Live 'Rents, was a perfect place to share them. I'm confident that you will agree... my appearance is not as entertaining as 'The Avengers' but I can promise this, it is 200 times better, then 80% of ABC's comedy TV lineup. Enough build up, here's DSMA Live: Parents Talk from December 17, 2012.


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Article originally appeared on type I diabetes (http://ardensday.squarespace.com/).
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