A few months ago Discuss Diabetes introduced Diabetapedia (di-ah-bee-tah-pee-dee-ah), "a digital resource developed with the goal of creating a single, comprehensive place where anyone can find and share definitions of diabetes-related terms and phrases".
I loved the idea of the site when I learned of it because I can remember when I first arrived in the DOC, there was so much jargon, abbreviations and diabetes slang that at times I didn't know what anyone was talking about.
The site lets users search, suggest and enhance terms related to diabetes... it's pretty awesome! There's even a widget that bloggers can add to their sites so that your readers can look up a word or phrase on Diabetapedia without ever leaving your blog. I've added it to Arden's Day on the lower right side of our page, just under the search field for this site.
Sanofi US Diabetes and Diabetapedia helps support the Diabetes Hands Foundation and Diabetes Advocates (I am a member of DA). You can learn more about DHF and their relationship with Sanofi US Diabetes here.