What have you always wanted to say to your child's teacher
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 at 9:37AM
Scott Benner in Advocacy, Confessions of a Stay-at-Home Dad, Daddy's Blog, Life Is Short, Laundry Is Eternal, Life is Short, School Blog, type I

Is there something about type I diabetes that you always wanted to say to your child's teacher but just couldn't? A fact or maybe a personal story? Have you ever dreamt of telling the administrator (that looked at you cross when you asked for an addition to your child's 504 plan) that you haven't slept through the night in countless years? Have you even once considered telling someone to go $%#@ themselves but instead smiled and nodded?

Tomorrow I will be giving a workshop at the Hamilton, NJ Barnes & Noble to fifty teachers about 504 Plans from the families perspective. We'll be talking about why I think that forming good relationships is so vital for not just the child, but the family, the school and the educator.

If you have something that you'd like me to pass on into the world, something that you think would help an educator to better understand our lives - I'd love to carry your message to them. 

I genuinely believe that if the school could just get a glimpse into the world that we live in, they would become better partners in our children's education... and not just for children with type I diabetes.

There are so many families that would benefit from that understanding. Tomorrow I'm hoping to send a message that will reverberate beyond the few districts that will be represented. I want to leave them with a story that they will be touched and informed by, one that they will want to retell.


More information about the event is here on Barnes & Noble's website.

Article originally appeared on type I diabetes (http://ardensday.squarespace.com/).
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