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Life Is Short, Laundry Is Eternal 
#8 In Fatherhood (paperback)
#7 In Fatherhood (Kindle)
#1 In Diabetes (paperback)
#6 In Diabetes (Kindle)

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Life Is Short, Laundry Is Eternal: Confessions of a Stay-at-Home Dad

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Entries in reader mail (2)


From the mail

I get a fair amount of email and sometimes I share it, this one not only touches me, it gives me the opportunity to remind you that Arden’s JDRF bowling fundraiser is today.  Two birds with one heartstring...  I won’t identify the reader that sent this in but they know who they are... These fine folks drove a long way last year to attend our bowling fundraiser, a fact that almost brought me to tears when I saw them walk into the bowling alley.  Anyway, they can’t make it this year but they sent this email in their place.  It spotlights quite a lot about what it means to have, live or love in a type I world and it also is the kind of note that helps me find the energy to keep up the site when I find myself too tired or busy to write...


Hi Scott,


Thank you so much for the invite.  I can’t believe how close the date is to when we would have been able to make it.  We will be visiting in New Jersey during the week of January 15th through January 20th.  We will celebrate J’s 7th birthday while we are there (her birthday is January 24th).  Wish we were there on the 29th because we definitely would have attended the Bowling Fundraiser with you and your family again.  However, so glad we did get to meet you and your family last year.


My daughter and I still follow Arden’s web-site religiously.  We can relate to everything you write.  And, we realize, like you, that unless you are a type 1 diabetic or caring for a type 1 diabetic, you would not have a clue as to how much work and worry is involved with caring for a type 1 diabetic.  And, if it were just the work, we would not complain - it's the worry that is at times unbearable.  Luckily, I live right across the street from my granddaughter and see her every single day; however, every night when I go to bed I can’t wait until I speak with my daughter the next morning to find out that is o.k.  Even though I know my daughter is setting her alarm every night to test her, I still worry.  Unless someone is dealing with this directly, they do not understand.


In addition to following your web-site because of your exceptional explanations of the everyday dealing with type 1 diabetes, I also like to follow Arden's progress since she reminds me so much of my granddaughter.  From what you write about Arden, I can tell she is also such a happy and brave little girl, like my J.  They never complain and deal with something that no child should have to deal with.  I pray every day that in their lifetime there will be a cure.  And, I also pray that I will be here to see that day.  I pray for nothing else more than for that.


Again, thank you and God Bless you for all you do.”


A long time ago when I started this website I remember being asked, “why are you doing it?” and responding, “maybe it will help somebody”.  Seems as though it does. I’m touched and humbled that even one person stops by to read what I write. Thanks to everyone that reads and if you are in the central Jersey area please consider bowling with us today. Arden’s bowling event has raised nearly $6,000 in three years and it’s ALL due to the hard work of Dan Stewart. I don’t do anything... Thank you Dan!  


The event begins at 3pm. If you can’t be there please check twitter for pictures (if I can get Arden to look at the camera).


C’mon out! (click the link)


Answering an email I received...


First, a thank you to the emailer for taking the time to share their experience with all of us!  I want to let them know that we do approach Arden’s diabetes much in the way they describe.  We don’t have her regimented to the point of paralysis.  We’ve even informed our endo that we won’t be lording over Arden and making her feel different.  (None of this is to say that we disagree with parents that follow a stricter regiment.)  We believe that perception is key in many walks of life so we try to project a matter-of-fact vibe with Arden’s management.  When we are in public we don’t hide testing or injections.  We’re not going to ever make Arden feel like what she is doing is in any way embarrassing or shameful.  

The emailer should know (as should the rest of you) that caring for a 24 pound person with diabetes does change the game.  I have a friend that has Type 2 and when he talks about his insulin it’s, “I took 40 units at lunch”.  If he took 39 or 41 his results wouldn’t change drastically.  Arden however takes a half of a unit most times, one unit if she really eats and only in the morning (when as I’ve said she is harder to bring down) does she ever get more.  A drop (I’ll post a picture of a “drop” asap) of insulin frequently is the difference between a good BG test and a low that needs treating.  Additionally, keeping track of the time since an injection is of the utmost importance.  Arden can’t tell me she is going low yet and her BG drops so fast as the insulin peaks that if she is on the verge of a low or already low the time before a seizure is short.  Because of her age and the state-of-mind that a low produces it’s not as easy as, “here drink this, you’re a little low” as you may have seen in the video.  I don’t want the blog to mis-lead people into thinking I’m a diabetes nazi as that is not nearly the case.  But it’s just that touch and go right now.  I believe that as Arden gets older and bigger her BG won’t be so volatile.


Three truths of diabetes management.  

Too much insulin and you become altered, way too much and you have a seizure that you need another person to bring you back from to avoid death.

Too little insulin and you feel sick, further your body will suffer horrific effect as you get older, some can manifest as early as in your 30’s.  A few days without insulin will put you in a coma.

And the the real kick in the ass:  Proper blood glucose management does not guarantee that any of this won’t just happen anyway.

 We’ll talk about the effects diabetes has on the body later when I’m feeling more up to dealing with it in writing.



The following are archived comments from this post. You can post new comments below.

Aunt Megs
Astounding....Arden has a long life to live .....just think of all the technological advances we didn't have 10 years ago....and we now have.  Just more reasons to WALK FOR ARDEN!!!!  and help find a cure.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007 - 02:58 PM