Day One: 11:14 am BG check
Time for another BG check. You recall I wanted to check Arden at 1 hour and 40 minutes because the Novolog peaks at 2 hours. Arden’s BG was 229 at the 1hr 40 min mark. It will drop quickly over the next 20 minutes. I’m expecting it to be around 180 at the 2 hour mark and if she doesn’t eat or drink over the next hour to settle at about 160. It’s important to note that she easily could have decided not to eat and we could be in a much different situation right now. Had she not eaten I think her BG would have been less then 100 and we be in a crisis mode getting Arden to take in carbs before the Novolog peaked. This went very good!
We’ll be checking again in an 1hr and 20 minutes to be sure... See you then.
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