Arden goes to Canada
The Alberta Diabetes Foundation has indeed decided to use Arden in their upcoming ad campaign! It begins with a mailer, they are currently deciding if Arden’s piece will launch the campaign or run during World Diabetes Day.
It’s your dedication to Arden’s website that made this possible. When you take the time to watch a video or spread the word about the site, it grows. Our site shows up inGoogle and YouTube searches because of you. Today I noticed that the Arden Speaks video is listed on the AOLvideo page (a place I never put it). This is what the kids call “viral” marketing, it works and it’s how the Alberta Diabetes Foundation found Arden. Together we can find a cure.
I’ve included the rough first draft of the mailer below for you to see. Photographs are still being chosen but this is a good representation of how the finished piece will look.
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